Thursday, April 10, 2014


If there were to be a "zombie apocalypse", I would save the things in the pictures below:

The first item that I would save is my ipod. I imagine that it would be very quiet and lonely when the zombies take over, so this would serve as entertainment and a calming factor. I took this photo by using the "macro" setting on the camera. The ipod was almost touching the lens, giving the photo the interesting zoomed in look.

The second thing that I would take with me is my friend, Alexandra. If I had to choose one person to be stuck with, it would be her. But most importantly, she would be able to ward off all of the zombies. At first, I had difficulty getting the correct lighting, but after moving around a few times, I was able to find the perfect spot. The background was still a little washed out, but I was able to correct it (ending up with the photo above) in Photoshop.

This photo above is a profile of my cat. I have raised him from a three day old kitten, and would want to save him if there was ever a zombie apocalypse. The most difficult part about taking this picture was stopping the motion. Photographing animals is tricky because they move so fast, and after taking over fifty pictures with an extremely high shutter speed, I was able to capture the one above.

Lastly, I would take a deck of cards. Similar to the ipod, the cards would serve as a form of entertainment. I took this picture by zooming in on the cards with a low aperture (creating the blurred out background) and had no extreme difficulties.

This last photo is a zombie version of me. I created this photo by copy and pasting bits and pieces of an "operation" to my face. I blended the skin together, lightened my eyes, and then darkened the whole picture. I also used the "burn" tool to darken around my eyes and the lines on my face. The most difficult part of making this photo was blending the operation flesh to my skin. I ended up blending the two using the eraser tool on a very low opacity. This let some of my actual skin show through the operation.