Thursday, November 7, 2013

Photoshop Tutorials

I created this image in Photoshop by laying a picture of my face over this picture of a tiger. Then I lowered the opacity and lined up my eyes and mouth to the tiger’s. Afterwards, I erased everything on my face but my eyes and mouth, and changed the opacity back to 100%. One problem that I ran into was that my eyes and mouth were and odd shade of purple, because the picture of me was taking in poor lighting. After searching around for what to do, I remembered to click auto tone, auto contrast, and auto color, and ended with what you see above. My favorite part of creating this image was erasing the rest of my face. Before I did this, the pictures looked like a disaster waiting to happen, but afterwards, I began to see what the final image was actually going to look like.

Similar to the picture above, I created this image using two pictures and Photoshop. I erased everything but my eyes and mouth, but the coloring was still a bit off. Like before, I clicked auto tone, auto contrast, and auto color, to correct the coloring of the image. My favorite part of making this particular picture was stretching out my face to fit the leopard’s face. Although it took a bit of extra time, it was worth it in the end.

I constructed this photo above by laying a photo of a red panda on top of my face. With a little bit of Photoshop magic, I was able to fit our faces together, and try and blend them together. My favorite and most difficult part of this project was trying to make it look “natural”. Although having half the face of a red panda will never look totally natural, I was able to lower the opacity of my eraser, so that some fur still showed through on both halves of my face.

This photo above was made the same way as the third photo. I laid an image of a tiger on top of my face, created a mask, and blended our faces together. The most challenging part of this project was lining up the tiger’s face with my own. The tiger has more scrunched up features, while mine are spread apart. This meant that I had to stretch the tiger’s face to fit mine, while trying to keep it looking natural. Similar to the photo before, my favorite part of creating this image was blending my face and the tiger’s face.

In this Photoshop tutorial, I learned how to take a normal picture, and transform it so it looks like a sketch. The final product is shown above. This tutorial had many steps, but they were all simple. To achieve the look above, I created many layers, changed their adjustments, changed the blend modes, applied filters, and moved around the layers. This tutorial was simple and easy to follow; therefore I didn’t run into any problems. My favorite part of creating this image was seeing the final product. Up until the last step, the photo did not look like it would turn out, but afterwards, it all came together and formed what you see above.

This photo was created the same way as the one before. The hardest part of this project was trying not to make the photo too washed out. Eventually, I adjusted the opacity of the layers, and was able to get the colors to pop more than they previously were. My favorite part of creating this particular image was inverting the image. It looked like the image was glowing from inside, which is an effect that I am not used to seeing.

The image above was created similarly to the two images before. This image was simple to Photoshop, so there was not a “hardest part” of the process. Similar the first sketch image (image 5), the best part of making the image was seeing the final product.

I created this image by adding a gradient map as well as an overlaying texture to the image. The hardest part of creating the image was figuring out where the gradient map was, but with some help, I was able to continue on with the project. My favorite part of creating this image was adding the texture on top of the image. That step finalized the image, and made it look even more “vintage.”

This photo was created the same way as the portrait of the blonde girl above. The hardest part of the project was trying to get the lighting correct. The original lighting of the picture was very dark, so I had to brighten the picture before starting the tutorial. Similar to the image above, the best part of creating it was adding an overlaying texture.

I completed the image above using the same steps as the two images before. The hardest part of the project was trying to find a texture that would fit the size of the image. Luckily, I changed the search options, and was able to find a texture off of Google images. The best part of creating this image was lightening the picture. After it was lightened, I was able to see the bright red of the flowers against the muted green color of the background.

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