Monday, October 21, 2013


The following two pictures are taken from a bird's eye view.

These are taken from a worm's eye view.

The next two pictures are taken from a straight on angle.

The following picture demonstrates a skill that I need to improve on. I often take pictures with the sun in the background, but because it is so bright, the rest of the picture gets washed out. The photo below is the result of a bit of simple Photoshop, but in my opinion, the colors look fake and the blue sky turned out discolored in certain places.

1. After closely examining my pictures, I believe that this photo below is my strongest. Surprisingly, it was one of the first pictures that I took, and it required no Photoshop. The dark blue of the sky really makes the red/pink flowers stand out and even pop in the picture. Also, I like the fact that the subject inside of the mirror is crisp and in focus and the background is slightly blurred.

2. One of the most challenging parts of the assignment, like many others, was trying to get the lighting perfect and keeping unwanted people out of the background. This photo below demonstrates random people walking around in the background as well as weird lighting. If you compare this picture with the one above, you can tell that the colors are washed out. Also, when examined closely, the subjects (flowers) are very blurry. I over came this challenge by taking many pictures of the same thing, and if one of them turned out blurry, washed out, etc, I would have another one to fill it's place.

3. In order to improve my photographs, I will have to remember to take multiple shots of the same thing and of the same angle. With many of my pictures, the settings were wrong or people were in the background, and I had to delete them. Luckily, I took enough pictures to still have forty quality ones to turn in, but next time that may not be the case. When I am out taking pictures I have to remember to stay focused on my assignment, and most importantly, shoot as many good pictures as I can. 

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