Wednesday, October 23, 2013


In the photo below, the photographer uses the rule of thirds technique. The kittens’ heads are positioned to the right of the picture, while one of their bodies fills the rest of the space. The way that the photographer positioned the kittens in the picture makes it more interesting to look at. The viewer’s eyes first go to the right of the picture to look at their faces, instead of the center.

The following pictures demonstrate "rule of thirds".

The photo above uses lines to lead the viewer’s eyes to the people standing in the left hand corner. The pattered lines of the street lead away from the picture, to the city below. The lines come to an abrupt stop at the clear wall, making the viewer’s eyes stop to look around as well. Because of this, the people, who are in line with the wall, stand out.

The following pictures demonstrate the use of lines.

This portrait shows an example of the “filling the frame” technique. This technique is used to bring all the attention to the subject by filling the entire frame with that subject. In this case, the photographer brings attention to a girl and more specifically, her light blue eyes. Also, the pastel colors in the photo bring across a calm feel to the viewer.

The following pictures demonstrate the "fill the frame" technique.

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